Hochtonschwerhörigkeit: Behandlung, Ursachen, Symptome

Tweeter hearing loss - definition

Tweeter hearing loss is the most common type of hearing loss and is found in mild, moderate, and profound degrees. A profound high-frequency hearing loss may be grounds for determining a degree of disability. Typically, this type of hearing loss is limited to the high frequency range. High-frequency hearing loss is classified as a subtype of sound-deafness. Thus, it is an impairment of the inner ear that primarily limits speech understanding, rather than volume perception.

Causes of high-frequency hearing loss

Causes of hearing loss are as varied as the affected individuals themselves. The most common conditioning factors include:

  • Age-related wear and tear of hair cells (presbycusis)
  • Noise pollution
  • diseases
  • genetic predisposition

Symptoms: Recognizing high-frequency hearing loss

High frequencies are difficult to perceive for people suffering from high-frequency hearing loss. High-pitched sounds include frequencies from 2000 hertz upward. In conversations, some sounds - such as s, f or h - are thus particularly difficult to hear, with a generally dull perception of the environment. Likewise, high-pitched voices, birdsong, and high-frequency signals (e.g., the beep as a signal of the completed washing cycle) remain inaccessible to those affected. Particularly noticeable in the finding is that the volume of hearing mostly remains unchanged, and only the feeling of a more indistinct auditory perception arises.

Depending on the severity of the high-frequency hearing loss, the symptoms also manifest themselves with varying intensity:

Diagnosis of a high-frequency hearing loss


To diagnose a high-frequency hearing loss, a hearing test is first performed and an audiogram is obtained. From the audiogram, the type of hearing loss can be inferred as well as the degree of impairment can be determined. In the case of a high-frequency hearing loss, the audiogram shows a drop from 2000 hertz and higher.

Tweeter hearing loss audiogram

This audiogram shows the typical curve for a high-frequency hearing loss. Both bone and air conduction drop significantly from 2000 hertz as the frequency increases. This means the patient can hear significantly worse from this range.

Treatment: treating high-frequency hearing loss

With a hearing aid, the lost frequencies can and should normally be made audible again. Otherwise, failure to treat may result in difficulty concentrating, insecurity, and/or aggression. Medication or surgical treatment measures are not possible.